CICADACAVE, 2024, 11" x 14", acrylic ink, graphite, colored pencils on paper
Decomp, 2024, 9" x 12", acrylic ink and graphite on paper
Passers-Through, 2024, 11" x 14", acrylic ink, graphite, colored pencils on paper
Aqueduct, 2024, 11" x 14", acrylic ink, graphite, colored pencils on paper
P.C.P (Prevalent Chaos Parade), 2024, 11" x 8.5", acrylic ink graphite and colored pencils on paper
Hardly Donaldson, 2024, 5" x7", acrylic ink and graphite on paper
Poodle Palace, 2024, 5" x 7", acrylic ink and graphite on paper
Dairy Queen After Hours, 2024, 5" x 7", arcylic ink and graphite on paper
Fisherwoman's Dream, 2024, 5" x 7", acrylic ink and graphite on paper
Night Ride, 2024, 9" x 12", acrylic ink graphite on paper
My Soul to Shape, 9x12", Ink and charcoal on paper
Visceral Bouquet, 9"x12", ink and charcoal on paper
Shell Collector, 9"x12", ink and charcoal on paper
Cave Lady, 9"x12", ink and charcoal on paper
Lazy Lovers, 9"x12", ink and charcoal on paper
Altercation at the Dog Park, 9"x12", ink and charcoal on paper
Static Angels, 2023, 8.5"x11", ink on paper
Lifeguards at the Cesspool, 2023, 8.5"x11", ink on paper
Voyaghers, 2023, 8.5"x11", ink on paper
Swamp Birth, 2023, 9"x12", ink on paper
Scout Hounds, 2021, 25"x18", ink and watercolor on paper
Hoursh Goul, 2021, 29"x 20.5", ink and watercolor on paper
Fox Funeral, 2021, 15"x18", ink, watercolor, black gesso on paper
HumanRVirus, 2020, 15"x11", ink and watercolor on paper
Fruit of the Void, 2020, 15"x11", ink and watercolor on paper
Nocturnes, 2020, 9"x12", ink and watecolor on paper